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Artist Statement - Photography

About 15 years ago, my photographs began as a visual record of my travels. I soon discovered that I had an eye for the composition in the images I was chronicling. I started exhibiting my work here and there, and they sold regularly. I then purchased a more expensive Nikon 35 mm SLR and fell in love with the art of photography. Later, I added a fine Canon digital SLR and added several lenses. I do some enhancements of my photos. I’ve traveled to every continent on the planet (except Antarctica). I love the diversity and beauty of the physical environments, as well as the beauty in human diversity. I hope to convey in my photography the love I have for the planet and its people.

I am a juried exhibiting artist in the area of photography for the Kentucky Guild for Artists and Craftsmen.


Artist Statement - Painting

Color is a very important part of my paintings. I hope to express in my abstract paintings the joy and delight I find in light and color. Also in my abstracts, I try to express experiences that go deeper than just physical observation—like the American Transcendentalist writers—Whitman, Emerson and Thoreau. The energy that exists in all creation. Those who purchase my work say that my paintings are uplifting or make them feel good when they look at them. I use acrylics and gesso, and paint primarily with my fingers and hands. Usually there are fingerprints on the back of my paintings, leaving a little part of myself behind. I do occasionally use brushes and other tools like pallet knives. I love the texture of the canvas, and the“tooth” it has. In some paintings I thin my acrylics with sprays of water to get translucency and watery effects. I work in very large format and small formats. My small paintings, I feel, are more accessible to people who want to own the art but may not have the resources to own a very large painting.


I didn’t paint my first painting until the age of 62 years old. It was a huge surprise when I painted from beginning to end with no fear, no concern of what it would turn out to be. It was pure joy in motion. While this is a discovery that I cannot really explain, my paintings find their home with people who love them. While I pick up new media techniques and inspirations from talented artists and teachers here and there, it has been one of the most effortless and joyful surprises of my life.

I am a juried exhibiting artist in the area of painting for the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen.

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© 2018  River Birch Studio  

Tel: 859-272-251 5

Due to the pandemic, workshops are currently

being offered through Zoom.



Creative Explorations is a hands-on workshop in mixed media designed for those who want to "get their feet wet" in art, have fun, and explore the creative process.  A safe atmosphere is created for participants to feel relaxed and enjoy new ways of expressing themselves in visual arts.  Projects range from mixed media art cards, acrylic painting, to rock paintings, and more!

ArtStarts is a hands-on workshop taught by Mary Claire for early childhood teachers in integrating visual art, creative movement, and theatre arts into the classroom curriculum. ArtStarts uses an interface of children's literature to develop pre-literacy skills. Activities have accessibility strategies for students with disabilities and use materials and supplies found in any classroom. There is also a version of this ArtStarts workshop for parents in using easy, fun arts activities at home for quality play and developing pre-literacy skills.

The Creativity Carrot

Participants experience and become more comfortable with the creative process, understanding their own ways of expression, discovering new ones, and how effortless creativity can unfold in the present moment. This hands-on workshop ends with a memorable "carrots" circle.

For more information about scheduling workshops, availability and format, please call 859-272-2515 or email through the Contact page of this site. Thank you!

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